He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. - Micah 6:8 NIV


Hello! My name is Dustin Barrington. My family and I are full-time volunteers with Youth With A Mission, a Christian non-profit organization operating in over 1,200 locations in 170 countries.

We are affiliated with the Student Mobilization Centre. We inspire, inform, equip and encourage individuals and their communities to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God. We do this through teaching, writing, consulting, mentoring young leaders and one-on-one coaching.

I hope your visit to my blog helps you become what you were made to be! If there is any way that we can serve you please let us know! - DWB

Thursday, May 19, 2011

URGENT: $2,000 needed by the end of the day...


Please forgive us for the urgency of this request.

We are taking 5 families to Nepal on outreach for from the beginning
of July until the end of August.

We need $1,900 by the end of the day, today.

We found out from our travel agent late last night that we need to
pay $475 per person to secure our airfare.  (It was already a miracle
just to get 21 people on the same flights to the opposite side of the

As a family we need to raise $5,700 for airfare, $4,300 for outreach
fees and $2,000 for extra expenses in the next six weeks... 

But we need $1,900 of that today to secure our airfare.

Could you PLEASE pray with us?
Could you PLEASE pray about helping us?

Thank you SO much.  God is faithful.



More background information is available on our website:

           Please partner with us!                                                     

All gifts are 100% tax deductible...

             Option ONE:                                                                                              
Click here to make a donation through our secure website...
(please remember to specify our account, "495" under "Missionary Support")

             Option TWO:                                                                                              
Mail a check payable to "YWAM" to:

YWAM Strategic Frontiers
c/o Dustin and Denise Barrington
PO Box 60579
Colorado Springs, CO 80960

             Option THREE:                                                                                          
Set up an automatic deduction from a bank account or credit card. 
(Please e-mail me at dustin@ywam.org so that I can send you the information.)

            Not-so-easy Option FOUR:                                                                            
Consider volunteering some time, talents, resources or relationships.  We would love to help you invest yourself in changing the world!


Pure Hope Pakistan

Youth With A Mission
YWAM Student Mobilization Centre - North America

YWAM Emerge
YWAM Strategic Frontiers

NOTICE:  If you are not the intended recipient of this message please notify the sender immediately.  The contents of this message are private and are therefore not to be distributed to any individual other than the intended recipient.  Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Fresh Starts

This is a test of the newly secured blog...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Barrington's AUGUST UPDATE - Walking by faith


Hello Dustinbarrington!

We talk about “walking by faith” …Here is how it works for us… 

During the last few months we have been sensing a few things:

·         that we are supposed to go to Brazil for three months

·         that God would provide the necessary finances

·         that all the details would work out

Why Brazil?

As part of our work with the Student Mobilization Centre, we are setting up a “Community Bridge” internship program so that students can participate in community development projects in the slums of Rio de Janeiro using the disciplines they are studying at university.

What we “sense” vs. What we “see”

We have been fundraising for one month.  Many of the responses have been very encouraging, but the financial results have not been spectacular.  The house we lease was foreclosed on and auctioned two months ago but no one from the bank ever contacted us.  We saved our rent money, just in case, but we couldn’t see how our finances would cover what we were sensing God was saying about Brazil.

Last week!

On Monday I connected with a friend I hadn’t talked to in long time.  He felt led to really challenge me to trust in the Father 100% and to walk in the Spirit.  Of course, I said “yes,” but what’s up with that?

On Tuesday we started putting braces on Becca (someone from Brazil paid the deposit).

On Wednesday someone representing the bank showed up.  (Maybe we shouldn’t have done braces?)

On Thursday the bank informed us that we need to move out in 2 WEEKS! (Oh, no!  …but wait…)

Instead of charging us for the last two months, they offered us a settlement that will cover our trip expenses!  Even though fundraising is going slow, we are STILL going to Brazil for three months, God provided everything we need, and so far the details are working out! Isn’t that awesome?!

“Walking by faith” is about listening, trusting and obeying.  Try it!  God is faithful.

Moving and Travel

We are moving out of our house in 10 DAYS!  We will be staying with family, friends and possibly YWAM bases until we fly to Brazil on September 21st.  We will be working with YWAM Rio de Janeiro and visiting other YWAM bases until December 4th.  We will return to Colorado for a few weeks and then go to URBANA between Christmas and New Year’s, followed by participating in the SMC “School of University Ministry and Mission” from January 4th to March 26th in Madison, Wisconsin.

Please pray for God to help us continue “walking by faith…”   

Thanks so much!!


Dustin Barrington




Friday, July 31, 2009

Are you intrested?


Dear Dustinbarrington,

I hope you have had a good week!

A few days ago I sent you an email about what is going on with us at the Student Mobilization Centre.  Hopefully it had enough information for you (...just joking!  It was a practically a dictionary)!

Now that you have had a few days to think about it...

Are you interested in partnering with us?


We hope so!  It will be exciting to have you on our team!

If you answer is "Yes" please email us at dustin@ywam.org.

You can even make a donation with Paypal right now if you'd like!


Why partner with us?

The other day I asked that question to one of our current donors.  She said,

"...why we support you guys is simple... We trust you. Not only is the work you have been called to do worthy of our support, but we know you are using our money wisely to share the love of Jesus to a generation that doesn't know much about our loving Savior."

What does partnering look like?

Most of our partners have committed to $100 per month.  Some occasionally send more, others less.  One young person sends us $5 per week from tips at a coffee shop.  The amount doesn't matter to us as much as your expression of support for reaching young leaders of the next generation.

What happens next?

When you inform us of your decision to become one of our partners we will contact you to answer any questions you may have.  We will also send you information about options such as on-line giving, setting up an automatic deduction, or where to mail a regular check.  After that we will regularly send you tax-deductible receipts and special updates about what your funds are accomplishing.

We love you and whatever your decision is, we would like to know as soon as possible.

Thank you so much!


Dustin Barrington

PS.  If you can't partner right now, don't worry.  We won't be offended.  You are more important to us than anything you do.  There are many other ways that you can be involved in our ministry.  Once we finish this season of fundraising we will open up many other exciting opportunities!  Keep in touch!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Important update!


Hello Dustinbarrington!

I hope that you are doing well.

We are all doing great. The kids are growing so fast!

I have been looking forward to sending you this e-mail because our work here in Fort Collins with local churches and at Colorado State University is going amazingly well.  We are really excited about a new opportunity!

I know that you are probably as busy as we are, so here is a short overview...

For the last five years we have been working with "Youth With A Mission" on global partnership projects that help Christians work together.  Our experience has led us to the conclusion that, in order to make a difference on a large scale, partnerships need to be multiplied into many local communities as well.  The challenge is that society is changing so fast that a "cultural gap" is developing between generations.  If this is not addressed soon, there will be serious implications for Christianity in North America.  We could lose an entire generation...

One key to turning this situation around is investing in reaching young leaders at leading universities.  We have a bold plan to do exactly that... and we would like to ask you to partner with us in reaching the next generation by investing $100 per month, or some other amount.

This is a great opportunity to make a difference.  I'll be in touch soon to hear what you think.

Thank you so much!

Dustin Barrington

Visit our website!  



I encourage you to keep reading!  If you do... you will understand why we are so excited!


For the past five years we have been working with Youth With A Mission on different global projects. 

  • 50 Days of Prayer - We started off coordinating a grassroots prayer initiative that ended up becoming the biggest event in YWAM's history, with over 25,000 people in 170 nations praying together... it revitalized YWAM and dozens of new ministries were launched as a result.
  • 4K - Before 50 Days even ended, YWAM's International Chairman asked us to lead in the development of a global information system to help YWAM ministries work together. During the two years we were building the "4K"system, it was adopted by a coalition of Christian leaders called the Global Pastors Network and it is now being used to coordinate partnerships and strategic planning for over 300 mission organizations and major denominations!
  • YWAM Catalyst - While we were working with these "big" leaders, we recognized that even though getting global Christian leaders to work together is really important, if the leaders in local communities aren't working together, nothing "out of the ordinary" will happen. We felt led to start a new ministry and move to a local community where we could work on partnership models that can be multiplied in other local communities. WOW! It has been very exciting! Our YWAM partnership with a local young adult ministry called "nine70" has resulted in new discipleship, outreach, and leadership development programs as well as a campus organization at CSU. All in one year!!
  • YWAM Student Mobilization Centre - Based on the success of our work here, we were invited to help multiply our models for local partnership at university campuses all over North America.

None of this would have been possible without the encouragement and support of people like you!


Our research and experience lead us to the conclusion that the most important social group to be investing in right now is YOUNG ADULTS.  The most significant paradigm shift in human history is happening all around us; YOUNG ADULTS are at the center of it and many Christians are totally oblivious to it!  Social change has accelerated to the point that a typical "generation gap" has developed into a "cultural gap" between this generation and the next.

Why is that so important?  The moral fabric and foundational values of our society are being "deconstructed" by postmodernism.  The dominant influences on the next generation are now peers, media, and ideologies like narcissism (self-centeredness), consumerism (greed), materialism (idolatry), etc...  If we do not reach the next generation, using cross cultural mission strategies, Christianity in America will decline significantly within our lifetime.


For the past year we have been developing a "model" solution to this potential disaster.  We have partnered with campus organizations and churches in a local community to pioneer innovative, culturally relevant expressions of the gospel that are producing effective results with YOUNG ADULTS.  Given the current trends, this is a huge accomplishment! 

Within any social network, 10% are leaders, and a high percentage of these leaders end up at universities. Our plan is to follow the example of Jesus on university campuses: identify young leaders, invite them to follow Jesus, and teach/mentor them into effective leadership within their spheres of influence.


Over the next ten years, we will recruit 300 dynamic young Christian leaders and prepare them with specialized training, resources, and mentoring.  When they are prepared, we will send them out to pioneer new partnerships with existing campus ministries and provide culturally relevant expressions of the gospel at over 100 leading universities across North America.

In order to implement our strategy, we must first model the team-building structure that we will require of our young leaders.  This involves establishing a strong foundation of prayer and financial support, and that's where you come in.


Denise and I are focusing on this important component of our ministry right now. By the end of August we are hoping to add 30 new financial partners willing to invest $100 per month.  These resources will provide for our monthly living expenses and cover our travel expenses.  We need your help! 

We would like to ask you to prayerfully consider investing $100 per month.  If you are unable to invest this amount, maybe you would be willing to invite some friends in your Bible study, small group, or family to help you to assemble this amount every month. Of course, we are open to whatever size investments you are willing and able to make, but we really need to ramp up our financial support in a significant way.

Thank you in advance for praying with us about this exciting work and our financial needs. I will attempt to contact you in a few days to answer any questions you may have and to find out if you are willing to partner with us. We look forward to talking to you!

Thank you so much for standing with us to reach the next generation. 


Dustin Barrington

Visit our website!


PS.  Since you've read all the way to the end, I'll tell you OUR SECRET...

The secret to what we are doing is just "being like Jesus."  The most successful component of our work in Fort Collins and at CSU has been inspiring and encouraging young leaders through personal mentoring relationships, like Jesus did with His disciples.  As we pour ourselves into the lives of these young Christian leaders, we are laying the foundations of the next generation...  Come "be like Jesus" with us!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Dustin Barrington on: FAITH...

Faith is not a feeling, but it IS something you can feel. It is the opposite, but not the absence of fear... Faith is trust and confidence in a person, based on a deeply developed relationship. It is confidence in God's character in spite of our challenges... Most who 'believe' in God don't invest enough time or energy to get to where confidence in God surpasses trust in human ideas, feelings... Why?

Dustin Barrington

Have a great day!


Dustin Barrington on: WALKING IN THE SPIRIT...

For those who don't believe in God, walking in the Spirit is a religious way of explaining a statistically impossible number of 'coincidences' that all seem to work together with order and logic. For those who believe, walking in the Spirit is more than serendipity... it is being sensitive to little "God nudges" that bring together people and situations for the good of others...


Dustin Barrington

Have a great day!