He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. - Micah 6:8 NIV


Hello! My name is Dustin Barrington. My family and I are full-time volunteers with Youth With A Mission, a Christian non-profit organization operating in over 1,200 locations in 170 countries.

We are affiliated with the Student Mobilization Centre. We inspire, inform, equip and encourage individuals and their communities to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God. We do this through teaching, writing, consulting, mentoring young leaders and one-on-one coaching.

I hope your visit to my blog helps you become what you were made to be! If there is any way that we can serve you please let us know! - DWB

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Inspiring meetings.

Meetings aren't ususally the most inspiring part of my job but I have had a few recently that were really encouraging.

I met with a young man yesterday that has a strong desire to make a difference in the world. As we tallked and batted ideas around I was struck by this guy's potential and how even one person can make a big impact.

I met with some of the other members of my office for breakfast. Our conversation was honest and engaging. Being a part of a team that wants to make a difference is inspiring too. When we work together our abilities are multiplied rather than just added. I love people who care about others.

I met with a professor who will be overseeing my thesis project. His informed perspective and encouraging words were very reassuring that I am headed in the right direction. We don't know where we will end up but it is exciting to see things coming together.

In every generation there have been certain individuals that have concerned themselves with making the world better for others. I am so grateful to have so many of them in my life!

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Road Trip!

I just got back from a quick trip across the U.S. I flew out to North Carolina on Sunday to drive my sister back to Colorado.

We visited first in NC with some dear friends we have know for years. Then on Monday we went to Johnson City, TN to meet with my thesis advisor Dr Sweeney. I am very encouraged by the fact that what we are considering as a ministry direction is acceptable for a thesis subject.

In addition we met a number of our TN friends and supporters. It was so nice to re-connect with them.

Then we drove 22 hours straight to Colorado Springs!

It was an awesome time with my sister.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

Friday, January 4, 2008

A new addition to our family

Meet Kona! He is a 10 week old Golden Retriever. The girls are having a lot of fun with they new toy. Potty training here we come!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

A new dog!

Our friend Rich Eddington just took us to pick out a golden retriever puppy who we have named "Kona."

Rich hates computers and doesn't believe that I am writing a blog post as we drive home.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

Its a heat wave!

Wow. I just went outside with only a fleece jacket and didn't feel chilled to the bone. It must be almost 35 degrees (F).

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Today was a good day...

It was long but it was productive. I have been working on project proposals for making some of the abstract ideas presented in the previous posts into tangible activities that will make a difference.

When looking at global issues that have been with us since the beginning of history, one has to ask,"is it worth it to try and fight these things?"

I think that it is.

Even if we do not eradicate poverty or hunger or human trafficking, our efforts will make a difference in every life that we touch.

I might be a chronic optimist... but I think that we CAN change the world.

Changing our world… what would it take?


The existing orientation of our world is egotistic, focused on self…

Changing the world will require a decrease in:







The orientation our world needs is altruistic, focused on others…

Changing the world will require an increase in:

Survivability: Food, water, shelter, clothing, health care, rest, security from threats and danger

Sustainability: education, employment, freedom (religious, political, social, etc), communication, mobility, environmental interaction

What would it take?

Decreasing suffering and increasing sustainability are only responses, not solutions.

Trillions of dollars…

Perception, motivation and choice

Changing the world will require global paradigm shift in:

the perception of the inherent value of each individual

the primary motivation of love

the choices that serve the common good.

Our greatest challenges are our own perceptions, motivations and choices…

A nexus of opportunity?

Global trends are contributing to the development of a nexus of opportunity for changing the world. The forces of globalization, post-industrialization and various post-isms are in the process of converging into a paradigm shift which will result in the greatest opportunity for global change in our generation.


Unprecedented connecting and converging.


Societies are transitioning and restructuring in ways that require new theory, innovation, technology and dramatic change.

Postmodernism, Post-postmodernism, etc.

Rejection of former structures and principles is being synthesized into a fluid embrace of complexity, diversity, interconnectedness and hope.

We are on the front edge of the greatest paradigm shift in human history.

Our response

By proactively engaging in convergence (relationally, organizationally, infrastructurally) and thoughtfully considering societal trends, we can position ourselves to maximize our influence on the development of a new paradigm which springs out of the current global context and inspires hope for the common aspirations of all humanity.


Relational, organizational and infrastructural connections are foundational for developing synergistic cooperation.

Changing the world will require connections:




Understanding of context, connection to capacity and development of character required to effect sustainable change.

Changing the world through these connections will require:



Leadership development

Our World... a nexus of opportunity?

Global trends are contributing to the development of a nexus of opportunity for changing the world. The forces of globalization, post-industrialization and various post-isms are in the process of converging into a paradigm shift which will result in the greatest opportunity for global change in our generation.


Unprecedented connecting and converging.


Societies are transitioning and restructuring in ways that require new theory, innovation, technology and dramatic change.

Postmodernism, Post-postmodernism, etc.

Rejection of former structures and principles is being synthesized into a fluid embrace of complexity, diversity, interconnectedness and hope.

We are on the front edge of the greatest paradigm shift in human history. Where it will go is still undefined.

By proactively engaging in convergence (relationally, organizationally, infrastructurally) and thoughtfully considering societal trends, we can position ourselves to maximize our influence on the development of a new paradigm which springs out of the current global context and inspires hope for the common aspirations of all humanity.

…is our world changing?

Are globalization, post-industrialization, and post-isms changing the world?

Yes and no…

The driving forces behind globalization and post-industrialization are primarily economic or political; therefore, their influence is primarily restricted to the developed world and their developing world trading partners. The post-isms are cultural or philosophical constructs whose influence is predominantly felt in the west.

Yes. Globalization, post-industrialization, and post-isms are changing the western, developed world where economic resources and political power are concentrated.

No. There is no significant change occurring among the bottom half of humanity. Most humans do not have enough resources to participate in the global economy or enough political representation to exert any influence.

Distribution of Income

The rich: 20% receive 90% of the world’s income

The poor: 46% receive 3% of the world’s income

The poorer: 20% receive 1% of the world’s income

The poorest: 2% have nothing.

Distribution of wealth

The richest 1% own 40% of global assets

The richest 10% own 85% of global assets

The poorest 50% own 1% of global assets

The tendency is towards even more concentration.

Is there hope for change?

Yes. There is hope because dominant forces of social, economic and political change destabilize the status quo, creating a more flexible context for agents of change to explore innovations and new opportunities. Through innovative methods, more resources can be developed which increase the standard of living of the poor without reliance on re-distribution of wealth. These methods are, however, proving to be financially viable solutions that will attract more and more investment capital as they mature.

Our world is changing...


…the increasing interconnectedness of people and places as a result of advances in transportation, communication, and information technologies that cause political, economic, and cultural convergence.

Response: Design connections which pro-actively serve this convergence and exert a positive influence.


…an economic transition from production to services, a diffusion of national and global capital, and mass privatization which causes a restructuring of society as a whole.

This shift increases the need for professional and technical workers, theoretical knowledge for innovation and new intellectual technologies, systematic technological growth, more universities, more experts to create, guide, and control the new and dramatic change.

Response: Influence the restructuring of society by providing a new paradigm for the development of theory, innovation, growth and change.


A rejection of modernism… of clear central hierarchy… of organizing principles

An embrace of complexity, contradiction, ambiguity, diversity, interconnectedness

“Postmodernism conceived of contemporary culture as a spectacle before which the individual sat powerless...” - Alan Kirby

Response: Incorporate the critique and rejection of one paradigm into the development of a new paradigm which empowers individuals to create change.

Post-postmodernism, etc…

An emerging perspective…

"Post-postmodernism witnesses the re-birth of utopia after its own death, after its subjection to postmodernism's severe scepticism, relativism and its anti-utopian consciousness." - Mikhail Epstein

“Performatism… a new epoch in which subject, sign, and thing come together in ways that create an aesthetic experience of transcendency ...a place where meaning is created.” - Raoul Eshelman

"Pseudo-modernism… makes the individual’s action the necessary condition of the cultural product.” - Alan Kirby

Response: Blend our understanding of current societal trends with the common aspirations of humanity to inspire a new paradigm of hope

Our greatest global challenge:

Our perceptions, motivations and choices…

Our response?

Our World...

Our world is a consensus of human choices.

Our world is the sum total of each individual’s perceptions, motivations and choices.

Almost 1/2 of all humans have personally experienced human rights abuse.

1/3 of all humans do not get enough food.

1/3 of all humans do not have access to safe drinking water

1/4 of all humans do not have adequate shelter or clothing.

1/4 of all humans do not have access to basic health care or education.

This is our world

Is this the world we want?

Taking down the tree...

We took down the Christmas tree and the decorations today. The kids had fun helping (I think). It was so fun to celebrate the holiday season but I have been anxious to get back to work.

Check out our new site design. Its temporary but a step in the right direction.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Starfish and the Spider

Have you read this book? If not, you should.

This one is too big to unpack in a single post. There is a significant shift happening. You might see it but how big it is probably isn't sinking in... yet.

It is late and I am not going to be able to pull this off right now. Sorry.

My Master's Thesis is probably going to revolve around some of the ideas of this book like decentralization, open systems, paradigmatic shift, etc... as they relate to how these sociological trends can be utilized for positive social changes.

How do we change the world?


Have you read this book? If not, you should.

The nutshell takeaway is that if one applies the logic and processes of economics in other fields of sociological study one finds that the way things actually "are" is not what conventional wisdom would lead us to assume.

My primary insight from Freakonomics is that most human decisions can be linked to incentives. If one understands how incentives are influencing decisions one can predict what decisions will be made in a given context. Even though our hyper-individualized Western culture would entice us to believe that we are autonomous, free thinking individuals, analysis of sociological information shows that we are about as predictable as lemmings.

How can we shift current incentives so that people naturally create solutions rather than problems?

Welcome 2008!

This is going to be the best year ever!

I am really excited about what 2008 has in store and I look forward to sharing it with all of you.