He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. - Micah 6:8 NIV


Hello! My name is Dustin Barrington. My family and I are full-time volunteers with Youth With A Mission, a Christian non-profit organization operating in over 1,200 locations in 170 countries.

We are affiliated with the Student Mobilization Centre. We inspire, inform, equip and encourage individuals and their communities to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God. We do this through teaching, writing, consulting, mentoring young leaders and one-on-one coaching.

I hope your visit to my blog helps you become what you were made to be! If there is any way that we can serve you please let us know! - DWB

Saturday, April 26, 2008

God at work.

Many people ask us how we manage to "live by faith." (By that they often want to know how we don't starve because we don't get paid for the work we do. )

The Bible teaches us that God loves us and that He knows all of our needs. In trusting Him to provide what we need we allow ourselves to be a tangible example of the God's abilities and His faithfulness. It isn't easy but it is amazing. My last blog post is one example of how God can provide financially...

Living "by faith" also involves trusting God to open doors and create opportunities for us to do what He has called us to. The Bible teaches us that God has good things planned out for us to do before we are even born.

Check this out...

Yesterday afternoon I was looking at the availability of URLs for something we will be doing at CSU in Ft Collins.

A certain name come to me all of a sudden. The URL 'Rgeneration.org' was available... but 'Rgeneration.com' is not...

I typed it in to see if it is for sale... and I was forwarded to 'setapartlife.com' which is a website for a ministry in Ft Collins. As I looked closer I discovered that it is a ministry... In Colorado... In FORT COLLINS, that is moving towards some of the same things that we are! I thought, " I HAVE to get in contact with these people."

This morning I got an unsolicited email from a trusted friend here in Colorado Springs suggesting that I get in contact with a certain person in Ft Collins. You guessed it... Same people!

Within 15 minutes we were exchanging emails. They live in the small town I grew up in, we have similar ywam connections, (SO, of course we googled them...) we all have very similar ministry philosophies, interests and passions!

This kind of thing doesn't happen everyday... But this type of experience is typical of how I have known which major steps to take over the course of almost two decades.

Living "by faith" is an amazing adventure and I would suggest it to anyone who wants to really "live."

I can't prove that God exists any more than anyone else can prove that God doesn't exist... Based on my experience, however, I am convinced.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


One week ago a trusted friend of ours told us that, a few nights before, she and her husband had felt a very strong impression to pray for Denise and I to experience 'breakthroughs.'

She said that it was as if we had done all that we were supposed to do and the blessings we needed were somehow in 'chains.'

We prayed together for the chains to be broken. Within hours we left for a very fruitful week in Ft Collins (previous blog).

Since then, a close friend of ours contacted us to let us know that we would be receiving more monthly support (unsolicited!).

Tonight another dear friend walked up and gave us a check for $1,200!

"Faith is the evidence of things not seen..."

Please pray with us for more breaktroughs and for more faith to keep moving forward!
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A WEEKS' WORTH OF UPDATES - New friends, dog bites, Green Card biometrics, drunks for Jesus...

Wednesday, April 16th

Introduced to Timberline staff

This morning we were introduced to the Timberline Church staff. They were all very welcoming and we were able to meet a number of our future friends. It was very encouraging. We also met with Reza, the Pastor responsible for NINE70, and their worship leader Adam.

Thursday, April 17th

House hunting and Green Card Biometrics

We spent the morning looking at houses and then we drove down to Denver for Denise’s Green Card renewal. CIS decided to let her stay in the country a little while longer… Hooray! The Jessie and Becca spent the night at Aunt Teresa’s house (being wild).

Friday, April 18th

Mom and Dad’s

We have been staying at my parents’ house for the past few days feeding the corn addicted llama and trying to figure out how to make the hot tub warm up. Mom has been out visiting her siblings in western Colorado while my Dad has been hiking the Grand Canyon. This morning Denise and Teresa went on a ‘spring cleaning’ rampage. I was quite impressed with my sisters “green” cleaning supplies. They work and they don’t smell so caustic.

We went to have dinner with Reza who also invited Scott and Bethany whose parents are friends with one of our friends here in Colorado Springs.

“Holla” Van Ministry

Need a free ride home because you are too drunk to drive? Just “Holla!”

From 9:30pm until late in the early morning we were out in Old Town Fort Collins with our fellow NINE70 crew, sharing the gospel and God’s love with Fort Collins’ young people while helping them get home safely. I got home at 3:37am!

Pre-game Prayer…

For two hours before heading out about 25 young adults met at the church to pray for our city and what would happen later that night. It was so encouraging to hear their passion and desire to see God’s intervention in Fort Collins. There was rarely a quiet moment as prayer after prayer were spontaneously poured out before the Lord. We are so excited to work with a group of young people that are eager to serve God and to see lives transformed.

In Old Town we set up a canopy, sign-up tables and a rockin’ sound system. There are a number of bars and night clubs in this area that cater to the university crowds who inevitably end up drinking way too much. There are many reasons why people seek out this type of experience. So, as NINE70, we had about 40 people out there to talk to them and help them home if they needed it.

In the course of the evening we transported over 120 people. Lots of us had opportunities to talk to them as we waited for the vans to return while others, in the vans, did the same along the way. We have a prayer room set up in a building near by. Prayer requests were lifted up in real time as we texted back and forth about conversations that were happening. One young man decided to follow Jesus and a number of others were in church on Sunday morning.

I had a conversation with a young man who was a little too far gone and had a strong aversion to ‘religion.’ I listened as he ranted on and on. After a few minutes he started to realize that I was actually listening to what he was saying and started to ask some questions. From there the rants subsided, partially, and by the time his friend flagged down a taxi all he wanted was to give me a hug. So many people just want to be loved. They want someone to listen. They want to be valued. He probably didn’t even remember the conversation the next day, but it inspired me to keep loving people.

The night also afforded the opportunity to get to know some more NINE70ers. I really enjoyed a conversation with one young lady that is fired up about abstinence. She has a passion for helping adolescents develop positive self-esteem and healthy relationships so that they don’t engage in destructive sexual behaviors. It was so awesome to hear how she is implementing her passion for impacting young people through public school counseling and helping them find balance in our over sexualized culture.

Saturday April 19th

Once bitten, twice shy…

After sleeping in, we enjoyed the rest of Saturday morning outside and went to visit our friends Keith and Malory, who have a puppy which is almost the same age as ours. Once we arrived, I took our dog out into the back yard. I was trying to make sure that the puppies were getting along and paying attention to the three barking dogs on the other side of their very short fence.

As I reached over the fence to pet the neighbor’s friendly golden retriever, a sneaky, 25 pound, demon possessed mutt came from the side and sank his teeth into my forearm. I instinctively lifted my arm, because my other hand was occupied holding on to my own dog, and the little monster remained attached and started to swing himself around as if he was stuck in an invisible washing machine! Fortunately only one of his teeth made a puncture wound but three days later my arm is still swollen and bruised. The best part of the experience was not making a big deal of the ordeal because I felt stupid for not being more careful and I didn’t want our friends to feel bad…

Saturday April 19th

Communion Dinner

We had dinner with about 35 young leaders who are responsible for different aspects of NINE70. We met a young man and found that we had a mutual friend from YWAM. After dinner we were asked to share our story and our vision for participating in NINE70 with a group of older leaders and were very encouraged to find that, although this is the first time that we have met, we are all on the same page about what needs to happen and where the ministry needs to develop. It established our credibility with them and resulted in a good foundation for future relationship.

Sunday April 20th

“The Edge”

On Sunday morning we went to a new ultra-contemporary Timberline church service that is held in video venue. This means that the worship style is much more relevant and appropriate for young people when it is time for the message a big screen comes down and a projection of the Pastor in the main auditorium makes it look like he is standing right there. Reza is going to be MCing most of these services so they will, no doubt, become related to NINE70 in some aspects. We ended up meeting a young man named Kevin who has just taken an internship and were able to give him some information about good churches in the Dallas area.

Fireplace Young couples meeting

NINE70 has a ministry to young married couples called the “Fireplace.” We went to one of their Sunday night home meetings on our way back to Colorado Springs. It is a wonderful group of young people who are discovering how to honor God through their marriages. It was such a fun time. We talked about family traditions and how to mke them a positive component of a successful family.


On our last trip up to Fort Collins we ate pizza four days in a row. Too much of a good thing can be too much…

Monday April 21st

Staining and Mulch

Speaking of too much of a good thing… I worked on staining the deck and spreading mulch around our house for 12 hours… It was so great to spend a day outside working hard and getting dirty. The wind was so strong at some points that I had to limit the amount of stain I got on the brush or it would blow off! When we turned our attention to the mulch we had to spread a most of it by hand, taking into account the direction of the wind because it would blow a foot or more to the side of where we let go. Even so, it was a very productive day and the outside of the house looks great!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

April showers bring what?!

We aren't expecting any flowers this May. April showers have taken on the form of horizonally blowing snow. (And the few courageoustulips that have dared to break the ground have been brutalized by our puppy who seems to think they taste good.)

The wind was gusting at almost 50 miles per hour which made it very entertaining to watch the dog with the flapping ears try to urinate without getting himself wet! For all you who like to watch 'man vs wild' the secret is to turn sideways and lift the downwind leg. (I tried it, and it works!)

More treadmilling for me in hopes that I may still get into a shape that will fit last summer's clothing.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

E flat... Major...

Near our home there is a high voltage power line. One of the things that was overlooked was covering the tops of the 100' center poles.

When the wind blows really hard the poles emit a eery, high pitched vibration that we have determined is an E flat.

It is like the sound you make by blowing over the top of a glass pop bottle (for those that are old enough to remember life before plastic!) or that brackground noise in a movie just before something crazy happens.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Three days... And cold wind!

The last three times I have headed out to run I have been greeted by inclimate weather: cold wind, snow with cold wind, and fog... with cold wind!

Right now the wind is blowing so hard that our dog is playing "fetch" on the porch by himself with plastic toys that are flying from one end to the other.

We'll say, "hello" to Dorothy for you if we end up in Oz!
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Wild one-eared llama!

The road I was running on this morning is next to an area of open ranchland with thousands of acres.

There is a llama with one ear out there roaming free. At some point this animal belonged to someone... But now it roams wild in a wide open space.

When we give ourselves to God we receive the benefit of belonging to Him. Even so, we have the ability to choose how close we want to stay. In every decision we have the freedom of wide open spaces enticing us.

If we spend our time out in the open we open ourselves to more risk, like a llama getting an ear frozen off. Some ask, "Why does God let bad things happen?" ...because He respects us and our decisions, even if they bring us harm.

Many of us are willing to belong to God, but are not willing to stay close to home. Staying close involves discipline and allowing God to lead. It is easier to roam free in the world, choosing where to go and what to do.

When bad things happen people ask,
1. "Where's God?"
2. "Why is this happening?"
3. "Why me?"

1. God is right where He always was... Waiting for you to return.
2. Human decisions have consequences.
3. God respects human decisions.

God wants to have relationship with people. He treats us the way He wants to be treated, with love and respect.

The real question is:
Even if you belong to God, are you close to Him and what He has prepared for you... or are you out roaming free?
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

Get on the road.

Whether you walk or run, God just wants you to get on the road with Him. God is willing to go with you at the speed you choose. How far you get in this life is has as much to do with your decisions as His. God has wonderful places to take you and fantastic things for you to see along the way. Choose to journey with God. It is the best road and it leads to life.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Book ideas, after a thesis.

After I write my thesis I would like to write two other books.

"I am a Christian hypocrite..."
A confessional look at how we all fall short of the mark and yet how God's grace makes up for it using examples from my own failures and those of Bible heros. It would serve as a relational and experiential apologetic for the reality of God and His desire for relationship with us.

"Knowing Dog."
A compilation of analogies and personal experiences with my golden retreiver that represent my inner thoughts and everything I needed to know about my relationship with God...

"To be determined..."
Then I would like to write a simple and readable book that accurately describes the seriousness of social dynamics of the world we live in and how Christians are, are not and could be salt and light within the global context. What influence will the church have in this generation?

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

Up in the air.

The strong wind tried to blow me off the porch so I moved to the side of the house. Low banks of clouds with the pinkish rays of the sunrise made the snow cap of Pike's Peak look as if it were floating in the air.

There is a solid foundation, but my perception within this morning's conditions made things appear different than what I know to be true.

God is the foundation of reality. He is the solid rock.

Our society embraces certain perspectives and presuppositions that dismiss the reality of God, as if He is a figment of the Church's collective imagination. This influence is very real and causes us to think and act as if the mountain of God is floating up in heaven somewhere. It erodes our faith for tangible expressions of God's interaction in our lives because we act as if 'He's up there and we're down here.'

If you determine to keep walking in the direction of the mountain you will find that it is firmly connected to the everyday 'ground' we walk on. If you have 'clean hands and a pure heart' you can even climb up it.

God is real, whether we can see it or not.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The window to the soul...

They say, "the eyes are the window to the soul."

If we look through God's love into the center of others' eyes, we will see the black expanse of an entire universe that God created.

With out God's love we mostly see a reflection of the darkness hidden within our own hearts.

God's love changes everything.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My second "run"

Falling snowflakes, a light cold breeze, the hazy and muted grey tones of an overcast morning...

In all of my color coordinated glory, I ran all the way around the circle, from start to finish, and then went around again...

The fire engine red of my goretex jacket matched perfectly with the red of my frozen nose, rivaling even Rudolph's, and the almost lumiesent red of my burning calves as I struggled up the final hill. It was like the slow-motion replay of a flaming red comet...

For the sake of accuracy, I didn't run up the hills on the second time around because all of that physical exertion was a severe distraction to my moments of insight...

As I was struggling up the final hill, a single snowflake fell on my black, knit glove. The detail of the crystals was exquisite. Snow is so common and yet each snowflake is unique. I felt the impression that God was saying, in the same way, I am unique and I need to fulfill the plans and purposes that I was created for.

I don't make sense to many people, sometimes not even to myself.

The desires of my heart were planted by God and I have a desire to change the world.