He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. - Micah 6:8 NIV


Hello! My name is Dustin Barrington. My family and I are full-time volunteers with Youth With A Mission, a Christian non-profit organization operating in over 1,200 locations in 170 countries.

We are affiliated with the Student Mobilization Centre. We inspire, inform, equip and encourage individuals and their communities to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God. We do this through teaching, writing, consulting, mentoring young leaders and one-on-one coaching.

I hope your visit to my blog helps you become what you were made to be! If there is any way that we can serve you please let us know! - DWB

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Awesome Days!

We had a fantasic weekend, hosting YWAM friends from out of town and serving our young adults.

This was the last week of our intensive discipleship course. It took 7 weeks to complete the 5 weeks of material but the feedback we got was tremendous.

This afternoon we went to watch "Fireproof." Great Job! Well worth it to see and be insipred to take your marriage seriously and allow God to be a part!

Tonight we spoke at a gathering of young professionals abouut how to integrate evangelism into our lifestyles... Again, another great experience.

Tomorrow morning we will be out on the 'plaza' at CSU for an event called "word." We will be reading the Bible which is always interesting on a public university campus!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Amazing dinner!

Denise and I went out to dinner tonight. While we were enjoying our selves a young lady came up to us and asked, "are you speaking Portuguese?"

This led to the most wonderful two hour conversation with the young lady and her Brazilian fiance. We had almost every possible thing imaginable in common... Faith, politics, experiences, education, family situations, funny stories, social convictions...

I could tell that meeting Paulo and Jill was organized by God, without a shadow of a doubt. It is wonderful to walk by faith and see how God brings things together!

Monday, November 10, 2008


Tonight we are helping to host a very special event.

"ONE" is a gathering of all the Christians at CSU for no other reason than to pray and worship God as one body. We have been working with a number of other leaders of Christian Campus Organizations at CSU like Navigators, Campus Crusade, Lifeline, and others to pull this event together.

Unity is one of the signs that we really are the body of Christ.

Life is in the Details...

That's what they say... If it is true, then life for us must be pretty good!

I thought about writing about some little details because Jessica was recently honored at a school assembly for living out the Laurel Elementary "ROAR" values (Respect, Own your behavior, Attitude, Responsibility). In little ways and big ways we can all make a difference in the world around us.

Last week, Denise was featured on the First National Bank employee website because of an unsolicited customer comment about the high quality of her service. Becca was selected for the "District Honor Choir" (only four kids from each school). I met with one of the main Christian leaders here in Fort Collins and it has led to even bigger opportunities to influence.

In the course of our lives we don't always realize the impact we have on the lives around us but if we do our best, and allow God to do the rest, wonderful things often result.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A “HOLLA”ween Thank You!

Thank you so much to all of you who have been praying for us!
Our “NINE70” “HOLLA”ween outreach last night was a HUGE success! On the ‘darkest’ night of the year, we brought the light of Jesus to the heart of our city and it was shining bright!

The party scene on the weekends in Fort Collins is in “Old Town.” This year, Halloween in Old Town was vulgar and ‘dark.’

Our goal last night was to take the gospel right to the young people of our city who need it the most… we did! Some opened up, some cried, some got really mad, lots were touched and we got many of them home safely.

We hit the streets with about 45 young people from nine70 around 9pm. We started the night by hosting a free two-hour, open air concert with a Christian rapper named ‘Chaz,’ right in the middle of Old Town. A steady shoulder to shoulder crowd of over 350 included celebrities like Sarah Palin with a baby, Jesus on a skateboard, a gorilla, three Jolly Green Giants, 8’ beer bottles, the “fruit of the loom” guys, a very realistic storm trooper, dozens of inappropriately dressed nursery rhyme characters, and hundreds that I am going to be trying very hard to forget.

After the first one-hour set, Jackie (one of the officers on our CSU student Organization) shared her testimony. It was powerful! One young lady in particular said, “I am not a Christian, but you really inspired me… I am going to take a serious look…”

The second set was a “straight up” gospel message and hip-hop style worship. On the fringe, long lines of hundreds who were waiting to get into the clubs were also a ‘captive’ audience. I heard one guy shout, “Quit singing those Jesus songs!!” There was tension in the air. It reminded me of the third chapter of John. We usually camp out on John 3:16 but a few verses later Jesus says, “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light… for fear that his deeds will be exposed.” There was no mistake, the Light was shining. “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” - Romans 12:21

At midnight our vans started filling up and we stayed busy until almost 3am. We have people sign up for our free rides on a ‘waiting list’ like at a restaurant. The ones that really want a ride stay close, so again we had a crowd of about 50 milling around us for three hours. Our people just ‘hang out,’ give free food, warm drinks, etc… Invariably, curiosity kills the cat and someone asks, “Why are you doing this for free?” A door to a more serious conversation about God’s love opens and we step into it. Even if the door only stays open for a few seconds, for those standing nearby the answer is irresistible.

In the vans is where the action is. At the end of the night, most people have done what they came to do. For many, it wasn’t as satisfying as they had anticipated and they are starting to come back to reality. Our kindness opens a door, the ‘walls’ come down and lots of meaningful conversations follow. Even if only a couple people talk, a whole vanload gets to listen. One guy started crying and chose NOT to go home so that he could ride around again and finish talking about God.

My voice is hoarse from yelling out names. It was the longest, wildest night I have seen in a while…

In Matthew 28:19 Jesus gives us a special mandate. If you can hang with me, there is something I’d like to challenge you with. The imperative command of this whole statement, in the original Greek, rests on the main verb “make disciples.” The rest of the verbs are participles. In other words, the meaning of this text is: “Going (to the nations), make disciples…” It doesn’t “flow” as well, but it highlights something important.

Jesus isn’t saying that everyone has to quit their job and go to a foreign country to engage in fulfilling the Great Commission. He is recognizing that in our day to day lives, we are all ‘going’ into different places and areas of society. In the process of ‘going’ we are supposed to “make disciples!” In your family, on your job, among your friends, at the store, across the street, in a HOLLA van or anywhere God leads you “…make disciples.”

Thanks again for all your support! We love you!

Dustin Barrington
YWAM Catalyst

NINE70 - A young adult ministry of about 150 at Timberline Church in Fort Collins, Colorado that we are serving by overseeing discipleship, outreach and leadership development.
HOLLA - The last Friday night of every month nine70 goes to “Old Town” where all hundreds of young adults go to party, get drunk and hook up. We offer free food and free rides home to people who have indulged too much to drive safely. During our van rides many of them open up and we get awesome opportunities to share the gospel and lead people to Jesus.
OLD TOWN - a blocked off walking mall of historic buildings that was the inspiration and model for ‘Downtown Disney’ at Walt Disney World in Florida. Unlike Disney, the real one is home to half a dozen bars and nightclubs (e.g. Zaidagos, Suite152, Lucky Joe’s, Copper Smiths, Washington’s, etc...)