He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. - Micah 6:8 NIV


Hello! My name is Dustin Barrington. My family and I are full-time volunteers with Youth With A Mission, a Christian non-profit organization operating in over 1,200 locations in 170 countries.

We are affiliated with the Student Mobilization Centre. We inspire, inform, equip and encourage individuals and their communities to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God. We do this through teaching, writing, consulting, mentoring young leaders and one-on-one coaching.

I hope your visit to my blog helps you become what you were made to be! If there is any way that we can serve you please let us know! - DWB

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Barrington's AUGUST UPDATE - Walking by faith


Hello Dustinbarrington!

We talk about “walking by faith” …Here is how it works for us… 

During the last few months we have been sensing a few things:

·         that we are supposed to go to Brazil for three months

·         that God would provide the necessary finances

·         that all the details would work out

Why Brazil?

As part of our work with the Student Mobilization Centre, we are setting up a “Community Bridge” internship program so that students can participate in community development projects in the slums of Rio de Janeiro using the disciplines they are studying at university.

What we “sense” vs. What we “see”

We have been fundraising for one month.  Many of the responses have been very encouraging, but the financial results have not been spectacular.  The house we lease was foreclosed on and auctioned two months ago but no one from the bank ever contacted us.  We saved our rent money, just in case, but we couldn’t see how our finances would cover what we were sensing God was saying about Brazil.

Last week!

On Monday I connected with a friend I hadn’t talked to in long time.  He felt led to really challenge me to trust in the Father 100% and to walk in the Spirit.  Of course, I said “yes,” but what’s up with that?

On Tuesday we started putting braces on Becca (someone from Brazil paid the deposit).

On Wednesday someone representing the bank showed up.  (Maybe we shouldn’t have done braces?)

On Thursday the bank informed us that we need to move out in 2 WEEKS! (Oh, no!  …but wait…)

Instead of charging us for the last two months, they offered us a settlement that will cover our trip expenses!  Even though fundraising is going slow, we are STILL going to Brazil for three months, God provided everything we need, and so far the details are working out! Isn’t that awesome?!

“Walking by faith” is about listening, trusting and obeying.  Try it!  God is faithful.

Moving and Travel

We are moving out of our house in 10 DAYS!  We will be staying with family, friends and possibly YWAM bases until we fly to Brazil on September 21st.  We will be working with YWAM Rio de Janeiro and visiting other YWAM bases until December 4th.  We will return to Colorado for a few weeks and then go to URBANA between Christmas and New Year’s, followed by participating in the SMC “School of University Ministry and Mission” from January 4th to March 26th in Madison, Wisconsin.

Please pray for God to help us continue “walking by faith…”   

Thanks so much!!


Dustin Barrington




Friday, July 31, 2009

Are you intrested?


Dear Dustinbarrington,

I hope you have had a good week!

A few days ago I sent you an email about what is going on with us at the Student Mobilization Centre.  Hopefully it had enough information for you (...just joking!  It was a practically a dictionary)!

Now that you have had a few days to think about it...

Are you interested in partnering with us?


We hope so!  It will be exciting to have you on our team!

If you answer is "Yes" please email us at dustin@ywam.org.

You can even make a donation with Paypal right now if you'd like!


Why partner with us?

The other day I asked that question to one of our current donors.  She said,

"...why we support you guys is simple... We trust you. Not only is the work you have been called to do worthy of our support, but we know you are using our money wisely to share the love of Jesus to a generation that doesn't know much about our loving Savior."

What does partnering look like?

Most of our partners have committed to $100 per month.  Some occasionally send more, others less.  One young person sends us $5 per week from tips at a coffee shop.  The amount doesn't matter to us as much as your expression of support for reaching young leaders of the next generation.

What happens next?

When you inform us of your decision to become one of our partners we will contact you to answer any questions you may have.  We will also send you information about options such as on-line giving, setting up an automatic deduction, or where to mail a regular check.  After that we will regularly send you tax-deductible receipts and special updates about what your funds are accomplishing.

We love you and whatever your decision is, we would like to know as soon as possible.

Thank you so much!


Dustin Barrington

PS.  If you can't partner right now, don't worry.  We won't be offended.  You are more important to us than anything you do.  There are many other ways that you can be involved in our ministry.  Once we finish this season of fundraising we will open up many other exciting opportunities!  Keep in touch!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Important update!


Hello Dustinbarrington!

I hope that you are doing well.

We are all doing great. The kids are growing so fast!

I have been looking forward to sending you this e-mail because our work here in Fort Collins with local churches and at Colorado State University is going amazingly well.  We are really excited about a new opportunity!

I know that you are probably as busy as we are, so here is a short overview...

For the last five years we have been working with "Youth With A Mission" on global partnership projects that help Christians work together.  Our experience has led us to the conclusion that, in order to make a difference on a large scale, partnerships need to be multiplied into many local communities as well.  The challenge is that society is changing so fast that a "cultural gap" is developing between generations.  If this is not addressed soon, there will be serious implications for Christianity in North America.  We could lose an entire generation...

One key to turning this situation around is investing in reaching young leaders at leading universities.  We have a bold plan to do exactly that... and we would like to ask you to partner with us in reaching the next generation by investing $100 per month, or some other amount.

This is a great opportunity to make a difference.  I'll be in touch soon to hear what you think.

Thank you so much!

Dustin Barrington

Visit our website!  



I encourage you to keep reading!  If you do... you will understand why we are so excited!


For the past five years we have been working with Youth With A Mission on different global projects. 

  • 50 Days of Prayer - We started off coordinating a grassroots prayer initiative that ended up becoming the biggest event in YWAM's history, with over 25,000 people in 170 nations praying together... it revitalized YWAM and dozens of new ministries were launched as a result.
  • 4K - Before 50 Days even ended, YWAM's International Chairman asked us to lead in the development of a global information system to help YWAM ministries work together. During the two years we were building the "4K"system, it was adopted by a coalition of Christian leaders called the Global Pastors Network and it is now being used to coordinate partnerships and strategic planning for over 300 mission organizations and major denominations!
  • YWAM Catalyst - While we were working with these "big" leaders, we recognized that even though getting global Christian leaders to work together is really important, if the leaders in local communities aren't working together, nothing "out of the ordinary" will happen. We felt led to start a new ministry and move to a local community where we could work on partnership models that can be multiplied in other local communities. WOW! It has been very exciting! Our YWAM partnership with a local young adult ministry called "nine70" has resulted in new discipleship, outreach, and leadership development programs as well as a campus organization at CSU. All in one year!!
  • YWAM Student Mobilization Centre - Based on the success of our work here, we were invited to help multiply our models for local partnership at university campuses all over North America.

None of this would have been possible without the encouragement and support of people like you!


Our research and experience lead us to the conclusion that the most important social group to be investing in right now is YOUNG ADULTS.  The most significant paradigm shift in human history is happening all around us; YOUNG ADULTS are at the center of it and many Christians are totally oblivious to it!  Social change has accelerated to the point that a typical "generation gap" has developed into a "cultural gap" between this generation and the next.

Why is that so important?  The moral fabric and foundational values of our society are being "deconstructed" by postmodernism.  The dominant influences on the next generation are now peers, media, and ideologies like narcissism (self-centeredness), consumerism (greed), materialism (idolatry), etc...  If we do not reach the next generation, using cross cultural mission strategies, Christianity in America will decline significantly within our lifetime.


For the past year we have been developing a "model" solution to this potential disaster.  We have partnered with campus organizations and churches in a local community to pioneer innovative, culturally relevant expressions of the gospel that are producing effective results with YOUNG ADULTS.  Given the current trends, this is a huge accomplishment! 

Within any social network, 10% are leaders, and a high percentage of these leaders end up at universities. Our plan is to follow the example of Jesus on university campuses: identify young leaders, invite them to follow Jesus, and teach/mentor them into effective leadership within their spheres of influence.


Over the next ten years, we will recruit 300 dynamic young Christian leaders and prepare them with specialized training, resources, and mentoring.  When they are prepared, we will send them out to pioneer new partnerships with existing campus ministries and provide culturally relevant expressions of the gospel at over 100 leading universities across North America.

In order to implement our strategy, we must first model the team-building structure that we will require of our young leaders.  This involves establishing a strong foundation of prayer and financial support, and that's where you come in.


Denise and I are focusing on this important component of our ministry right now. By the end of August we are hoping to add 30 new financial partners willing to invest $100 per month.  These resources will provide for our monthly living expenses and cover our travel expenses.  We need your help! 

We would like to ask you to prayerfully consider investing $100 per month.  If you are unable to invest this amount, maybe you would be willing to invite some friends in your Bible study, small group, or family to help you to assemble this amount every month. Of course, we are open to whatever size investments you are willing and able to make, but we really need to ramp up our financial support in a significant way.

Thank you in advance for praying with us about this exciting work and our financial needs. I will attempt to contact you in a few days to answer any questions you may have and to find out if you are willing to partner with us. We look forward to talking to you!

Thank you so much for standing with us to reach the next generation. 


Dustin Barrington

Visit our website!


PS.  Since you've read all the way to the end, I'll tell you OUR SECRET...

The secret to what we are doing is just "being like Jesus."  The most successful component of our work in Fort Collins and at CSU has been inspiring and encouraging young leaders through personal mentoring relationships, like Jesus did with His disciples.  As we pour ourselves into the lives of these young Christian leaders, we are laying the foundations of the next generation...  Come "be like Jesus" with us!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Dustin Barrington on: FAITH...

Faith is not a feeling, but it IS something you can feel. It is the opposite, but not the absence of fear... Faith is trust and confidence in a person, based on a deeply developed relationship. It is confidence in God's character in spite of our challenges... Most who 'believe' in God don't invest enough time or energy to get to where confidence in God surpasses trust in human ideas, feelings... Why?

Dustin Barrington

Have a great day!


Dustin Barrington on: WALKING IN THE SPIRIT...

For those who don't believe in God, walking in the Spirit is a religious way of explaining a statistically impossible number of 'coincidences' that all seem to work together with order and logic. For those who believe, walking in the Spirit is more than serendipity... it is being sensitive to little "God nudges" that bring together people and situations for the good of others...


Dustin Barrington

Have a great day!


Dustin Barrington on: BEING LED BY THE SPIRIT...

It is easier and harder than it looks. It is a pro-active surrender, not a passive release. It is like being led in dancing... you are fully engaged but you often only know the next step as you flow into it. The more you dance, the less you worry about the next step. The only way to get better is practice, but the more you do it, the more you enjoy the dance itself...

Dustin Barrington

Have a great day!


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dustin Barrington on: LISTENING

If you are thinking about what you are going to say next in a conversation, you are not really listening. Is what you are going to say really more important than hearing what is being expressed? When we do this we are placing higher value on our own perspective than that of the person. I have been a poor listener for most of my life. I have only recently started listening well... Try it! It works.

Dustin Barrington on: "CAN'T"

"Can't" usually means "Choosing Alone Not To" It is not usually a matter of ability but a matter of personal decision. Think about something you have said "I can't" to... If you literally "can" do that something it would be more accurate to say "I choose not to..." Owning your choices is the first step toward making better choices...

Saturday, July 4, 2009




Dear Dustinbarrington,

I hope that you are doing well! 

 This is the second email I am sending with this new distribution system.  It is already helping us figure out which emails are bouncing and who is actually opening them!  Some of you have mentioned that the photos did not come through without you clicking something.  This is normal, because most of you do not have your email set to automatically download photos from HTML messages...  It's normal.


This is a LONG email that has been requested by some of you that would like to know more about what we are doing and how to get involved.

 As ususal, there is the nutshell:

I have been looking for a "leverage point" for changing the world for 20 years.  I beleive that I have found one!  It involves taking advantage of the exponential social change that is occuring right now as an opportunity to influence the leaders of the next generation.  Massive cultural shifts are going to happen wihtin our lifetime and we have a window of opportunity of 10-15 years to influence the leaders who will be making the "big" decisions in 20-30 years.  In response, I am calling out 300 young leaders to pioneer relevant expressions of the gospel and biblical worldveiw on the leading university campuses.  They will be resourced by 10,000 and supported in prayer by 22,000.  It's a HUGE vision but it is a strategic approach that coul dliterally turn the tide of the next generation.  I want you to be involved as part of the 300,  10,000 or 22,000.  We love you!


As you may already know, I recently accepted an invitation to become the North America Director of the YWAM Student Mobilization Centre.

20 years…

For over 20 years I have been looking for a way to change the world.  I found one… and I want you to be involved in helping to make it happen.  Are you interested?

Change the World?

Our world is intensely complicated, more than any of us could ever imagine, and yet, at the same time it is incredibly simple.  In the midst of all of it, I have found a leverage point that can move it.

The World is Changing

We live in a time of exponential change.  The world is changing faster than any other time in 10,000 years of human history!  It is causing massive social and cultural shifts that are redefining almost everything: what we think is real, who we interact with and how we live.  Most Christians are ignorant or oblivious to both the threats and opportunities.  Are you?

A Window of Opportunity

There is a short window of opportunity available for us to influence the changes around us, and even use them to our advantage.  In the last 2,000 years there have only been a handful of historical situations where whole societies have change the way they think, referred to as “paradigm shifts.”  At each of them Christianity experienced either a significant advance or decline…  Which would you prefer?

The shift is happening.  The revolutionary social and cultural implications of postmodernism, secularism, consumerism, humanism, and globalization are only part of a tsunami of change that will affect and influence the leaders of the next generation.  We MUST reach tomorrow’s leaders today with socially and culturally relevant expressions of the gospel and biblical worldview.

The Target

These leaders are currently STUDENTS, immersed in a “global youth culture,” influenced primarily by peers, media and the ideologies of liberal educators …NOT by parents, churches or Christian values.

Change has accelerated to a point that a social and cultural divide has developed in less than a generation.  This means that young people do not actually have the same culture as their parents.  Reaching the next generation will require cross-cultural mission strategy.  The target is moving!

A Vision

I have a vision to call out 300 young leaders from the next generation to impact the most influential universities of North America by effectively confronting contemporary ideologies with relevant expressions of the gospel and biblical worldview.  Following the pattern of Gideon’s victory in Judges 7, I am calling out 22,000 intercessors, 10,000 resource supporters and 300 full time university pioneers.

Will you join me?

I am serious…  Will you join me?  My message to you is, “You are change.”  It isn’t something you “do” once in a while, change is what happens when you accept your true identity… change is the result of acting on what you “are.”  God created you to do amazing things that He planned out before the creation of the earth.  The world is changing and you can be a part of making that change positive.


There are a number of ways that you can be involved. 

You can be one of our 300.  You can join us in pioneering new expressions of God’s kingdom on university campuses!

You can one of our 10,000.  You can resource the 300 by supporting them by volunteering your time, your talents, your relationships, your finances, your house, your car, your RV, whatever!

You can be one of our 22,000.  You can commit to pray regularly for guidance, encouragement, wisdom, direction, provision, protection, opportunities, favor and power.  You can regularly intercede, break through spiritual barriers, hear from God, and participate in God’s strategy for the next generation.

I know that this is a vision from God and “where God guides, God provides.”  That means that God has been preparing circumstances, resources and at least 32,000 people who are supposed involved.  They have been blessed with everything that is needed to see God’s vision succeed.  Are you one of them?

What should I do next?

Please pray about whether or not God is calling you to be involved.  The most important thing is for you to do what God has called you to do.  I am not asking you for anything but that.  If you feel like this vision is something God might be calling you to be involved in, please contact me.  I am available: email, Skype, Facebook, Orkut, telephone or good ol’ postal mail.

I will be challenging everyone that joins our 300 to each recruit 33 resource supporters and 73 intercessors.  Together with Denise, I believe God has 66 supporters and 146 intercessors lined up for us.  Please ask Him if you are one of them!  If you are, let me know ASAP!

As I have prayed about our financial needs, feel that God has communicated to me that His provision for us is like the parable of the treasure in a field.  The field is our relationships and the treasure is His provision.  All I have to do is dig around until I find it.  What a blessing.

Parting thoughts…

Thank you so much for investing the time to read this message.  If there is any way that I can help you figure out if or how to be a part of this vision, please contact me.  I care about you more than anything you have to offer.  I really feel that God has strategically established the relationships in my life. Somehow, God is going to use our lives to fulfill His purposes.




Dustin Barrington

Thursday, July 2, 2009

New Email System

Click to view this email in a browser

Dear Dustinbarrington,


Here's a quick note... I hope that you are doing well.

Testing a new Email delivery system

With all of the exciting things that are happening with SMC, we have recognized the need to communicate well.

This is the first email we are sending with a new system provided for FREE to Non-Pofits by VerticalResponse. Thanks VR!

We are under the impression that you actually WANT to receive these updates. If this is not the case, we apologize for any inconvenience... You can easily "unsubscribe" using the link below.

If you see this through Facebook and would like to be added to our "Super Cool" email update list please contact me at: dustin@ywam.org

Thank you so much for being a part of what we do!


Dustin Barrington

If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please reply to this message with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line or simply click on the following link: Unsubscribe
SMC North America Director
Dustin Barrington
334 East Oak Street
Fort Collins, CO 80524

Read the VerticalResponse marketing policy.

Non-Profits Email Free with VerticalResponse!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Barrington's June Update

Barrington’s June Update


Hello again!  The months are just flying by!


Here is the JUNE nutshell…

1.    Student Mobilization Centre is now a 501(c)3 (registered non-profit organization) in Colorado and we have a clear strategy for SMC North America!

2.    Brazil was awesome… It is all “green lights” for us as SMC to partner in existing community development projects in the “favelas” (slums) of Rio de Janeiro!

3.    We will be at the University of Wisconsin from January to March to help run a SMC “School of University Ministry and Mission.”


…and JULY’s coming attractions…

1.    Our NINE70 van outreach at BREWFEST is going to be featured in a national level magazine called “Outreach.” Look for the July edition next week at WWW.OUTREACHMAGAZINE.COM with the title “Want a ride?”

2.    We might have to move again!  UGH!  (The house we lease is being auctioned on 7/1.)

3.    Fundraising! Or should we say “fun-raising”?  We love talking to all of our friends!


Thanks for all your prayers and support!  We love you!


Dustin and Denise





SMC 501(c)3

The IRS is really clamping down on non-profit organization registrations.  Without getting into details, it is really good news that we are now registered as a non-profit organization in Colorado!




We have been praying about the direction of SMC in North America and we feel that God has given us a very clear and simple strategy from Judges 6-7.  We are calling out 300 young leaders to directly engage leading universities in the United States and Canada.  Following the example of Gideon, we intend to involve over 32,000 people in reaching the social and cultural center of the next generation’s leadership. 


Our Strategy is: call out 300 young leaders, supported by the resources of 10,000 and the intercession of 22,000.  As the SMC Director, I am setting an example by personally calling out for 33 resource supporters and 73 intercessors to join me. Denise and everyone working with us will do the same. We will be contacting soon to see if you are willing to become one of our 300 or 10,000 or 22,000.




A huge part of successfully calling out 300 young leaders will be having the ability to cut through the “noise” in order to communicate directly with them.  This is the purpose of what marketing professionals call “branding” (the right message, look, feel, etc… to capture the attention of our specific target audience).  Please pray that as we go through our branding process that we get God’s message for 300 young leaders of the next generation. 




I recently spent a very productive week in Brazil.


In only one week I renewed my Brazilian Permanent Residency Visa (like a US “Green Card”), visited family, and spent 2 days with the leaders of YWAM Rio de Janeiro laying the ground work for a partnership with SMC.  For over 15 years, one of YWAM Rio’s primary activities has been community development in “favelas” that surround the city, resulting in YWAM health clinics, daycare centers, after school and vocational training programs, sports camps, etc. 


YWAM Rio would like to partner with SMC in establishing a “Community Bridge” to provide volunteer internships for university students to create and implement community development projects in Brazil that make a tangible difference among the poor.  Setting up this “Community Bridge” will probably require us to spend a few months in Brazil later this year.




We will be staffing a 12-week SUMM at the University of Wisconsin (Madison) from January through March of 2010.  We are very excited about this opportunity because it is through this training program that we will be equipping some of the 300 young leaders we intend to send out.  Denise is not excited about the weather forecast! BRRRRRRR!!!




In August I travel to Kona to teach at the University of the Nations on Missions Research & “Best Practices” and meet with leaders from the different colleges about partnering with SMC.  ($1,000 already paid)


In September I travel to one of the four UofN Workshop locations to be officially installed as the SMC North America Director and to recruit students for our upcoming SUMM. (Switzerland $700, Ukraine $1,000, Egypt $1,200 or South Africa$1,400)


In October and November we will possibly travel to Brazil to set up the SMC “Community Bridge” with YWAM Rio and raise support in Brazil. ($2,800)


In November we will travel back to Colorado for a missions conference and support raising. ($??)


In December we will travel to St Louis for the Urbana09 Missions Convention to recruit leaders and staff. ($500)


In January we will travel to Wisconsin to staff the SUMM. ($500)


As you can see, we have about $6,000 in travel expenses coming in the next few months…  could you please pray about helping us?




Some of you have been asking…   “What was it about?!” The simplest answer is “Jesus.”


The next simplest answer is not as simple.  The generation that will determine the fate of Christianity in America for the next century are influenced strongly by postmodernism.  This presents a real problem for Christians that can only make sense of their faith by using the “orthodox” categories of systematic theology developed by the Early Church Fathers in the 2nd and 3rd centuries.  Since most Christians fall into this category, the only way to reach the next generation is through a “cross-cultural missions” approach. 


Where do we start??  Well… Understanding Jesus in His original Semitic context paints a refreshing picture that, oddly enough, is very compatible with postmodernism and most non-western thinking (where the church is growing the most).  Therefore…


My thesis is about the message and praxis of Jesus.  His words and actions, in their original context, were directly related to the moral and ethical tradition of Israel’s prophets.  His prophetic interpretation of the Law informed His responses of compassion and confrontation and was what put Him in direct contention with religious and civic authorities. It was His confrontation of their injustice and exclusion that ultimately resulted in His death.  Living as He lived produces non-violent positive change, and often, conflict.


I believe this perspective is a more accurate representation of Jesus as He actually was.  It is a message that will resonate with the postmodern generation and it will ignite a movement in the next generation like the “Jesus People” of the 1970’s. 


What you understand about Jesus influences everything


If you read this whole thing I congratulate you!!  Wow! That was  a big one!


We love you and thank you for all your support.


Dustin Barrington

Have a great day!


Sunday, May 31, 2009

FW: Josh and Kesia's Moped Accident

Thank you for praying for our friends!


Josh and Kesia are in Honolulu receiving orthopedic medical attention.


Here is a forwarded update from our friend Angie Amstutz (Josh’s Mom).


As a former EMT, I can tell you that femur fractures only occur with massive blunt force trauma.  The fact that these young friends of ours were not more seriously injured or killed is nothing short of miraculous.


God is good!


Dustin Barrington

Have a great day!


From: Don and Angie Amstutz [mailto:donandang@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2009 2:36 PM
To: Don and Angie Amstutz
Subject: Josh and Kesia's Moped Accident


At midnight last night, Josh Amstutz and Kesia Nonoa were in a moped accident following Makua Lani’s graduation and parties. They are miraculously okay. A pickup truck made a left turn and hit them while they were going straight through an intersection. The truck hit their left legs, breaking Josh’s femur and Kesia’s femur, tibia, and fibula (2 bones below the knee). Josh fell on his face breaking his nose. Kesia has some deep cuts on her forehead that required stitches. Other than that, they have a few scrapes.


Here are some of the amazing facts:

*The moped was under the front of the truck

*The kids were not launched nor did they skid across the pavement

*Before Josh rode Kesia, he offered her his helmet. She declined and said “Jesus will take care of me”. Man, did He! The doctor asked me how I got a 17 year old to wear a helmet and told me that Josh would be dead without it. Neither of them even had a concussion!

*Josh was driving beside Ryan Orvis’ car going through the intersection at Queen K Hwy and Nani Kailua. Ryan was able to slam on his brakes when the truck turned in front of them, Josh wasn’t. There were about a dozen YWAM and Makua Lani teens around at the time of the accident. They heroically called the police and us and provided a prayer shield around Josh and Kesia.

*The paramedics immediately put Kesia’s leg in traction. But they only had one traction machine in the ambulance (island medical care!) so Josh didn’t get in traction for about an hour, causing him tremendous pain throughout the night. Kesia had little pain through the night, praise the Lord.

*Kona doesn’t have an orthopedic surgeon (!) so both kids were flown to Queens Medical Center in Honolulu at 7:30 this morning. Both will undergo surgery today. Josh will also see an ear, nose, and throat specialist (also, none in Kona). I just heard that Josh will have a pin placed down inside the bone and will not wear a cast. Kesia is still being evaluated.

*They had to be ambulanced to the airport because the medical helicopter couldn’t land at the hospital due to the vog (what the volcano has been spitting out for the past 2 years). So, both had to be moved around a lot, which was really painful.

*Don and Ali (Kesia’s mom) are with the kids. I will fly out this afternoon and join them.


Here’s how to pray:

*For wise surgeons

*For peace to rule in their hearts. Josh is reliving the trauma over and over in his mind which is keeping him tense.

*Kesia’s dad, Ben, is in New Zealand. Kesia is the oldest of 4. Pray for them.

*Pray for all the logistics to be worked out this last week of school for our other children

And join us in THANKING the Lord for his miraculous protection. It could have been…should have been…so much worse. Oh the deep deep mercies of God last night!


I've attached a pix of the moped. God's grace.


Thank you for all your prayers, texts, phone calls, and offers to help! We love y’all!



May the Lamb receive the reward for His suffering.....through me!

Check out our blog at http://amstutzadventures.blogspot.com

Write us at
The Amstutz Family
75-5851 Kuakini Hwy #118
Kailua-Kona, HI  96740

May the Lamb receive the reward for His suffering.....through me!

Check out our blog at http://amstutzadventures.blogspot.com

Write us at
The Amstutz Family
75-5851 Kuakini Hwy #118
Kailua-Kona, HI  96740

Special Prayer Request for Josh and Kesia

Hello Friends.


Please pray with us.


A truck ran a red light and struck Josh Amstutz and Kesia Nonoa a few hours ago as they were riding on a moped on the big island in Hawaii. 


Both of them have broken left legs from the impact.  As I am typing this, we are getting text messages from the hospital saying they are setting Josh’s broken nose and suturing a large cut on Kesia’s head.  It is a possibility that one or both of them will need to be flown to Honolulu for leg surgeries.


Josh is the son of Don and Angie Amstutz, YWAM missionaries at the University of the Nations in Kona, Hawaii. They worked with us on the 4K project for 2 years. 


Kesia is the daughter of Ben and Allie Nonoa, YWAM missionaries who oversee YWAM discipleship programs in the Pacific region. 



Please pray that God will protect them from further harm, heal their bodies and minds, comfort them and their families and use this situation for His glory.  We would be happy to relay any message you may have for them. (They are all on Facebook and would probably appreciate knowing that you are praying for them.)


Thank you for standing with us and our friends!


Dustin Barrington

Have a great day!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009



What an amazing Spring this has been!



If this is the first time you are hearing from us in a LONG time, you might not be on our newsletter list.  Let us know what you’re up to! We would love to be your FB friends!



After seeing our work here in Fort Collins, we were recently invited by the YWAM Student Mobilization Centre to become their new North America Directors.  This is a good fit that finally brings together the many aspects of our ministry into a single package.  We feel that we have found our “place.”



Since I finished my Master’s course work in 2004, I have been looking for the “perfect” thesis topic to write on. 

I finally found it! (ask me about the key to reaching the post-modern generation…)


I will be graduating from Emmanuel School of Religion with a Master of Arts in Religion, with an emphasis in Christian Doctrine on Sunday, May 24th at 3pm in Seeger Chapel at Milligan College in Johnson City, Tennessee.  Whew! (If any of you are in the neighborhood please feel free to attend!)



I will be traveling to Brazil to work on my permanent residency documentation and to develop prayer support for our new role. I will be there from June 2nd to 9th.  Please pray for safety.


In September I will be traveling to one of four University of the Nations workshops (Switzerlnd, Ukraine, Egypt or South Africa) to be officially installed as the SMC North America Director. Please pray for finances.


From October to December we will be helping to lead a 12 week ‘School of University Ministry and Mission’ (SUMM) at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Please pray for wisdom.



We love saying “thank you” for your continued support through your prayer, finances and most of all, your friendship.

This new SMC role is going to require us to build a much broader network of volunteers and supporters. Please keep praying!


We look forward to working with you to see God’s plans and purposes for university students and the world become reality.



Dustin Barrington

Have a great day!


Monday, February 2, 2009

LRHS Diagnosis

I am doing much better now that I am recovering…

I have known for a long time that something was wrong with me, and a while ago I was diagnosed with condition called “LRHS.” It is a surprisingly common and destructive ailment also known as “Little Red Hen Syndrome.” It generally develops from a pre-condition of pride or fear, often found in those who try to use achievements or the acceptance by others to validate their self worth. LRHS sufferers consistently perceive the most reliable solution to any challenge as being, “I’ll do it myself.”

The only remedy developed so far is an intensive therapy that emphasizes the primary value of people and relationships over tasks, duties, schedules, obligations, events, resources, etc…

With the support of my wife and some close friends I have been able to transition into a new way of living which will help me overcome “LRHS” and hopefully avoid a ‘mid-life crisis’ involving tanning salons, hair implants or purchasing a fast car.
The story of most “LRHS” survivors typically recognize that lazy dogs, sleepy cats and noisy yellow ducks are to be found on many farms, but this doesn’t mean that there are not more admirable and productive barnyard animals to partner with. I believe that the hen was stopped asking for help to soon. She could have gone to the milk cow, the draft horse or even the farmer himself!

I do apologize if my “LRHS” announcement caused you any anxiety. (I use humor to ‘soften the blow’ when I have to deal with my personal character flaws.) James 5:16 says, “…confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.”

This Little Red Hen anecdote is my way of confessing that I have not valued and trusted relationships that God has put in my life. I have also leaned on accomplishments to increase my sense of self-worth rather than dealing with my pride or fear. Would you be willing to pray for me, so I may be healed?

Please consider this a personal invitation to become a member of our “LRHS” Support Group… Thank you for all your prayers and support!