He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. - Micah 6:8 NIV


Hello! My name is Dustin Barrington. My family and I are full-time volunteers with Youth With A Mission, a Christian non-profit organization operating in over 1,200 locations in 170 countries.

We are affiliated with the Student Mobilization Centre. We inspire, inform, equip and encourage individuals and their communities to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God. We do this through teaching, writing, consulting, mentoring young leaders and one-on-one coaching.

I hope your visit to my blog helps you become what you were made to be! If there is any way that we can serve you please let us know! - DWB

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Usually my week includes a lot of other things but this week was quite full of activity associated with our volunteer involvement in the Young Adults ministry at Timberline Church in Fort Collins, Colorado. This is pretty normal... Please feel free to pray at any moment! :)

After going to church this morning we rested a bit and played with our girls. At 5pm I left for the Colorado State University (CSU) campus to prepare for a nine70 sponsored outreach. As a way of welcoming in new freshmen, we had arranged with a Pro Beach Volleyball prayer, Angela Knopf, to run a VB clinic, organize an informal tournament, and to share her story. We had a bumpin’ sound system, free water, free watermelon and a free Pro VB clinic. The night exceeded our expectations in every way but one…

During the warm-up time my friend Reza, the Pastor of the Timberline nine70 young adult ministry, was playing VB near a CSU offensive tackle. Somehow he got tangled up with over 300 pounds of lineman and Reza stepped away giving a “peace sign” with two very dislocated toes! He went to the hospital but he was back at CSU by the end of the event. Other than that it went great!

This morning I met with a semi-pro athlete to talk about how he can glorify God through the platform his sport provides him. After staff meetings and working on our CSU campus Organization Constitution all day we left at 5pm to do the same outreach we did on Sunday. Again, it went exceptionally well. Even with a late start we were able to manage the flow of the evening activities better and we were also joined CSU All American VB player who shared a powerful testimony of how her faith influences her life at CSU. Surprisingly, a bunch of people even clapped when she was done.

We didn’t get home until about 11pm both nights but all told we ended up involving about 150 people each night and made a number of really good contacts to follow up on.

Today we met with the Pastor of Missions and various others on our church staff about logistics of coordinating the Timberline Church Missions Convention event. It will involve about 1,000 people during two nights in October. It is a great way to help Timberline missions, expose a lot of people to what God is doing in the world and develop a lot of new relationships. Then it was back to work on the CSU org constitution.

Today I met with Reza and the other nine70 interns in the morning to work out details of the “Holla” Van ministry this Friday night. For lunch I met with Angela Knopf and we ended up discovering that her brother is developing a very similar system to the one that we are working on to “connect people, opportunities and resources.” In between putting on the finishing touches to the constitution I also met with a young man who is in his last semester of a Political Science degree and has a passion for God and politics about developing an internship for him.

Reza was out all day today becoming a father. His baby girl Olivia Anne was born. In his absence we finished all of the rest of the paperwork for registering our campus, met with and signed on four officers, and held our weekly service in the evening. I was supposed to be in two places at once but Denise and I split up so that she could cover "Back to School Night" at Laurel Elementary (where Becca and Jessica are studying) so I could be at the church to announce Olivia’s arrival, get volunteers for the Friday night outreach, etc...

I took a day off, of sorts. I worked in the yard, fixed the front door, dismantled and reassembled the lawnmower (which still only runs for three seconds at a time), ran some errands, tried to take a 30 minute nap until the kids got home but woke up with exterminators on my roof, spent some time with my lovely wife, went to Wal-mart (urgh!), actually took a nap and then the “bat incident” happened (see previous post) just before we went to the “Holla!” van ministry until midnight. (“Holla!” is a service that we offer one weekend a month through nine70 to get drunken students home safely which often results in open opportunities to reach out and share the gospel with young people who need it.)

Today we went to get our girls, who spent the night with their cousins at their other aunt’s house, went to Windsor for my Dad’s church’s annual garage sale, I sat on the front porch to write this and again we are double booked with events to do tonight.

That’s a week!! Tomorrow is Sunday!

Our life sounds crazy (because it is) but we are so happy to be able to be involved in the lives of young people who are trying to serve God and find their way. Thank you so much for supporting our ministry!! We love you all even though you dont hear from us as often as you should.


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