He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. - Micah 6:8 NIV


Hello! My name is Dustin Barrington. My family and I are full-time volunteers with Youth With A Mission, a Christian non-profit organization operating in over 1,200 locations in 170 countries.

We are affiliated with the Student Mobilization Centre. We inspire, inform, equip and encourage individuals and their communities to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God. We do this through teaching, writing, consulting, mentoring young leaders and one-on-one coaching.

I hope your visit to my blog helps you become what you were made to be! If there is any way that we can serve you please let us know! - DWB

Saturday, October 18, 2008

PLEASE PRAY FOR US!! One year report...

Please pray for us!

We are coordinating a missions conference involving over 1,000 this weekend. Due to a sudden staff change at our local church we were asked to coordinate this event about two weeks ago. It is absolutely amazing how all of the details have come together. Only God!

We have about 50 volunteers on 9 different teams taking care of everything from displays to hosting international guests to a catered meal for over 1,000. Please pray that the weekend will go well and that all of the attendees will be blessed and encouraged to reach out to those who need God.

Even though this sounds totally crazy we know that this is something that God had in mind when He started speaking to us one year ago about returning to Colorado to work with Timberline Church.

One Year Report
It is so exciting to see how God works in our lives as we step out in faith!

About one year ago we stepped out into a new adventure. Here is short overview of what God has done.

As you know, we have been working with Youth With A Mission for over 4 years now. Within weeks of joining YWAM we were asked to coordinate a global prayer event called “50 Days” that ended up becoming the single largest event in YWAM history.

On the heels of that event, we were invited by the International Chairman of YWAM to direct the implementation of a global coordinating system called “4K.” During the two years that we were building this 4K system, it was adopted by a coalition of Christian organizations called the Global Pastors Network. Now, over 300 major Christian organizations are using 4K to cooperate in fulfilling the Great Commission.

As we were preparing to deliver our finished product to the YWAM Global Leadership Team, Denise and I began to receive a surprising new direction. We felt that the Lord spoke very clearly to us that we would be returning to Colorado to develop the “next step” and to work with Timberline Church in Fort Collins.

The Next Step
After three years of working with international leaders we have come to some basic conclusions. There are unprecedented opportunities for changing the world in our generation and at both the global and local levels there is a strong interest in “working together” to create positive change.

We believe that the “next step” is the development of a decentralized global platform for connecting people, opportunities and resources so that the gospel can go to all people, all places and all areas of society.

As crazy as it sounds, little us have been invited into a circle of relationships that are all focused on providing this type of capacity to the global body of Christ.

“It’s all about relationships”
One of the things that God has been emphasizing to us is that all outreach is local. It is at the local level that positive change actually influences personal lives. In YWAM we say it often, “It’s all about relationships…” Global change is actually local change in many different communities which are experiencing similar circumstances.

Timberline Church
How does a local church fit into our global calling?

We don’t fully know yet, but we do know that God has opened some amazing doors for us to influence our home church of 6,000. Over the past few years God has given us opportunities to develop personal relationships with the senior staff. One year ago we felt that the Lord said we would work with Timberline Church. What do you do with that? Tell the Pastor of a mega church “hey, guess what…” We felt that we would be working with Missions and Outreach but it just never developed.

When the shootings happened at YWAM Denver last December, I was coordinating media relations during that situation and we ended up being contacted by one of the Pastors at Timberline. Over a few weeks the conversation developed into an invitation to oversee outreach, discipleship and leadership development for the Timberline Young Adults ministry. Since then we have moved to Fort Collins, started a new YWAM ministry, integrated into the Young Adults ministry (nine70) as volunteer staff, started a student organization at CSU, started an outreach team, an intensive discipleship training environment and leadership development program. Its been busy!

Even so, we felt that there was some sort of mission connection that wasn’t “there” yet. We knew we were supposed to be integrating into the missions focused community within our church but we didn’t know how. About six weeks ago we were asked by the former mission pastor to help coordinate a portion of the Missions Conference. A situation arose and the leaders of the church asked us to oversee the entire event about two weeks ago. In the last two weeks we have built and served all of the relationships that we had hoped to establish while releasing a little army of volunteers to pull off a major event.

When God says something, we choose to respond in faith. We don’t know everything about where we are headed, God can open doors that no one can shut! Some aspects still look impossible at this point but with God all things are possible! Thank you all so much for your support in this journey. We love you and appreciate you all!

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