He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. - Micah 6:8 NIV


Hello! My name is Dustin Barrington. My family and I are full-time volunteers with Youth With A Mission, a Christian non-profit organization operating in over 1,200 locations in 170 countries.

We are affiliated with the Student Mobilization Centre. We inspire, inform, equip and encourage individuals and their communities to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God. We do this through teaching, writing, consulting, mentoring young leaders and one-on-one coaching.

I hope your visit to my blog helps you become what you were made to be! If there is any way that we can serve you please let us know! - DWB

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Yesterday a British friend told me that I am a “brick.” Apparently, being a “brick” means that I can be counted to be helpful and reliable. I know so many “bricks” whose helpful and reliable efforts are part of an enormous, disorganized pile of human goodness. They do wonderful things but their impact could be multiplied with better connections. Our project is intended to provide the blueprints, the mortar and the bricklayers to help piles of bricks become solid bridges, strong pillars and useful buildings.

Each person can be a “brick.” Our goal is to release this untapped, positive potential and help each person to fulfill the purposes for which they were created. We can change the world by connecting people with opportunities and resources. You might ask, “How?”

The blueprints represent understanding and direction we gain through research. The mortar represents relational, organizational and infrastructural networking that connects and unifies. The bricklayers build. They represent the relationships that coordinate and empower people through servant leadership development.

Would you like to know more? Visit us at: www.dustinbarrington.com


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